Featured sources, Jan. 24

We have two featured sources this week, both related to vaccination data:

  • US COVID-19 Vaccination Tracking: This is a new vaccination dashboard focused on demographics, developed by researchers at Georgetown University’s Bansal Lab. The dashboard compiles data on vaccination by race, ethnicity, sex, and gender from state reporting. Users can also hover over counties to see what share of the county’s population has been vaccinated, based on county or state data. Here’s a Twitter thread from lead researcher Shweta Bansal on the dashboard’s methodology and findings so far.
  • COVIDcast vaccination survey results: I’ve featured COVIDcast, a project by the Delphi Group at Carnegie Mellon University, before. The project’s dashboard interactive maps for a variety of COVID-19 indicators ranging from movement trends to antigen tests. But I’m featuring the source again this week because recently, the Delphi Group collected survey data on vaccine acceptance. You can download the data and compare vaccine hesitancy across counties; read more about the release in MIT Technology Review.

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